
For the Athlete

An engaging mental skills platform that provides athletes with access to content from the leading mental performance coaches and athletes from across the world.


An app designed to assist athletes in harnessing the power of mental skills training to achieve peak performance.

The leading mental skills training platform for athletes designed to enhance the performance of athletes on and off the field.

On-demand access to content from the most renowned mental performance coaches and elite athletes from around the world.

A comprehensive, diverse, and scientifically backed content library, covering the foundations of sports psychology as well as sport-specific mental skills.

An engaging, easy-to-use and interactive platform that will allow athletes to seamlessly integrate mental skills training into their daily routines.


Establish your mental skills training routine with four easy steps.

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Optimize Mind Performance has assembled the world’s leading minds in the mental performance space to assist athletes in achieving peak performance.


Speak to our sales team or download the OMP app to get started.


For the Organization

Get in touch with our sales team to get your organization involved today.


For the Athlete

Download the Optimize Mind Performance
app today.


Preview OMP's exclusive content from the leaders in mental skills training.


Dr. Sam Maniar

Finding Your Motivation After a Setback

As in life, setbacks are common in sports.
Learn how to regain your motivation after a loss, mistake, or bump in the road.

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Dr. Ross Flowers

Know Your Who

Build the feeling of security in your own abilities,
qualities and practices with Coach Flowers by identifying who you are as an athlete.

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Dr. Andrea Wieland

What is Resilience?

Learn about resilience and how to use it to be
mentally tough in the moment and gritty for the long haul.

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Dr. Mike Rotheram

Dealing With Injury

Being injured brings with it a range of emotions.
Use the simple R.E.C.O.V.E.R principle to guide you through your injury layoff.

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Isaiah Wynn

Staying Confident Under Pressure

Join Isaiah Wynn as he tells you how he grew in confidence
from high school hopeful to NFL starter.

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Our PARtners

Some of the world's best organizations are using OMP.